Wattapad ♥


          Wattapad is a android app, which basically is like a online story book and you can read lots and lots of stories of different people. I personally don't like to read novels, here in Wattapad there are a whole range of   stories.♥∞ I also think its the perfect way to share what you write to wider audience.  As this extends in a set of chapters so making it very easy to comprehend. The only thing which i think which if improved would be a lot better is having PC sync. These stories are made as a book which even runs for 50-100 chapters. Categories in which we would love to read the books can be selected.
Connect, collaborate and share interactive stories. 

The one blog I enjoy the most!♥

There are thousands and thousands of blogs in the internet but their always stands one blog that will stand close to your heart. One of those is Kristin and Kayla's blog.They are awesome! They are just pictures but brought before your eyes in an interesting way. This is actually a photo journal of two sisters. The photographer is their dad. All the pictures turn out to be really cool!..Every picture of it conveys a true emotion. It's soo fun watching them. I want this to be continued for ever. Each picture stands unique and natural. Big cheers!♥


Glass winged butterfly!

I may be a little late in knowing that such a thing ever existed but then it was definitely an interesting one to know! This tiny little creature has translucent wings and is widely known to people as glasswinged butterfly. The spanish name of it is "espejitos" which actually means little mirrors.It also has opaque borders which is brown in the picture but sometimes it can be in green or even red it seems.One unique feature these butterflies exhibit is that they can travel a longer distance and do long migrations. Its just rare and unique.Love this tiny cute flutter-by!! 

Is status update, a better way of communication?

Remembering the days when we used a pen and a paper to note things down rather than typing it down.Now the qwerty keyboard stands handy in place of it.The world has shrunken and within a click you can find things easily.The advancements in technology has changed the way we communicate. A status update, now a status symbol. Interesting to note the fact that we feel socially disconnected without having an account in Facebook,Twitter or Youtube. Addiction to these are on rise. Books to e-books,newspapers to e-paper, banking to e-banking, shopping to e-shopping,lots of others.These connects you to the world outside but we can't deny that it disconnects us from the neighborhood. cyber crime is also increasing day by day. Technology can grant us numerous vents but using them efficiently matters more. If used effectively it can make you reach heights."It's just a click away,but think before you click".

Have a read to this latest article on how technology plays a vital part in teen life.

Cyclone ‘Nilam’ sets the clock back

Cyclone ‘Nilam’ ravaged Tamilnadu within a day causing power shutdown for hours together, uprooting of trees and chaos across the state. Heavy winds made life quite miserable for commuters. Everyone was curious to know about what was happening around them. The only way out was Radio as there was no other mode to know the information. It provided current updates, alternate routes, rescue operation and other relevant details which lessened the worries of public as it reminded everyone about yester years of radio. Network and telecommunication failure also prevailed in some parts. The importance of technology development was felt by people. From dawn to dusk the power of nature has shown its supremacy. 

what will happen if world turns into a cartoon! ♥

Yeah! you read it right..This maybe a simple and silly question to be answered. Just random thoughts put me to think about what will happen if I were a cartoon..Crazy! and  a bit funny too. Most cartoons have a fairy tale ending!.. Maybe good or bad i love cartoons.Thinking about a cartoon we can never forget a flower talking, dustbin walking or a postbox walking to your house to give your letters or even a car smiling. Every little things that we learnt watching those cartoons, be it morals or stories. They are very creative and fun and practical too. Their may not be any hardcore technology behind those cartoons, but it was fun. 

Is laminating a rupee note illegal !!

I read an article on rediff and there was a question about how did you spend or save your first salary and what did u do with it..Quite interesting right!
There were different answers put up by people on the site. one interesting answer was i laminated the first hundred rupee note of my salary. In  a jiffy as i scrolled down there were many comments by people from various places saying it is illegal to laminate a rupee note. Confused by seeing all these, now i really have a doubt that is their anything which makes laminating rupee note illegal! The other answers under these topics were also really good as the viewers also mentioned how much was their first salary and how they spent their first ever salary...But i am still excited to know why it is illegal! :)