From Waste to Wonder - Miniature modelling!♥


"Miniature modelling has always been one of my passion, I didn't even think of it as a form of art when I started, it was a secret hobby" says Sukeertha Tamilarasan, a media student. It is a genre of art that focusses on modelling objects that's much smaller than their usual sizes. From restaurant to Taj Mahal not leaving out their minuscule nuances, its a pleasure for me to watch those mini models. 

When I asked her about why exactly she wanted to create such tiny models, what was her inspiration, she says "I love to gift something that's hand-made, re-created and something that's close to my heart. My inspiration is just what strikes my mind about the person to whom I make them. Other than that it has always been a spark that just pops up at random times". 

What she uses to make these amazing models is the one that amuses me. "Match sticks, paper, water colours, ice cream sticks are some materials that I use for modelling. It usually takes about an hour or two to finish a complete model" says Sukeertha.

It's incredible to think about all of the details that went into the creation process from collecting the right materials that would highlight their art and that looks as close as possible to what they have visualises in their mind and the hard effort put into carving.When asked about the opportunities to showcase this talent she says "There is not much attention given currently to this form of art, but I am sure that in years to come there will be a welcoming response to this, It's a form of art that has been forgotten".  

Some famous miniature models by world renowned artists across the world!

Until I researched I never thought a society for these miniaturists existed knows as the World Federation for Miniaturists. It has been formed with the purpose of encouraging communication between miniature art societies of the world and introducing the public to this exquisite art form.

Why do I watch Vlogs?

Most often when I want to get refreshed and entertained, my go to choice is watching videos, specifically Vlogs. I watch personal vlogs, fashion, make-up and beauty vlogs. One can say I am little too addicted, but believe me this helps in reviving your thoughts. 
So, to give you an example from something that I watched today, I saw a vlog from bubz (a youtuber- fashion related), who has just got married and is on a trip. And you ask me how it matters! It does.. 
I haven't visited Bora-Bora, Raiatea or Taha'a of the French Polynesia Islands, but these vlogs help me to see the place, listen to the story behind it and who is telling all these to me?! My favourite youtuber, what more would you expect to entertain yourself. 

Donno why I got a passion for make-up and beauty over the past few years(maybe because of the overflow of makeup vids on youtube I guess :P). And one other good thing that I did last year, my project! (research on vlogs, to be more specific, 'How people perceive vlogs?) A Double thumbs up for this since I got a first for my work. (WOoHoO..). The list of youtubers I watch has extended to a list of 20-25 maybe (but whose every single vlog I closely watch) Watch out for my next post on the list of Youtubers I watch. 

That's a lot!

Golden Temple in Coorg – Tibetan heritage

Plated statues, elaborate frescoes, and expensive silk hangings are always the unique features of any Tibetian architecture. At around 6 kms from Kushalnagar admist the sandel wood forest towards Mysore is the Tibetan Golden temple fondly named ‘Namdroling Monastery’ that reflects the architectural heritage of Tibet.  This area of Coorg has the highest Tibetan settlement outside Tibet.      

The big sprawling hall with reflective flooring, sound absorbent walls, the three big deities with gold coating are undoubtedly the centre of attraction for the visitors. The temple is surrounded by and decorated with colorful paintings that depict gods and demons of Tibetan mythology. Geurazangpo, a Buddhism student says, ‘the paintings on the main wall of the temple portrays the kings destroying demons of all four directions (north,east, west, south). The other paintings that can be found on both sides of the statues depict the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche who attained high realizations through the practice of  Dzogchen Teachings.

‘After the Chinese took over Tibet, the refugees were settled here and this Buddhist Monastery was re-established in 1972.  The temple's main attraction is the 40ft tall Buddha statue made of pure gold. There are two other statues of Padmasumbhava and Amaitayus on either side’ says Tenzin, a monk .
When asked about the architectural works undergone, he says, 'The statues are made of copper, plated with gold. Inside the statues are scriptures, small clay mould stupas, relics of great beings and small statues, which symbolize the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas.'

             ‘The entrance of the temple underwent heavy engineering and architectural work processes. It is modeled after the Sera University of Tibet. This temple now houses more than 8000 monks and nuns. They are also the students of Buddhism.  The unique classic arts that adorn the walls are related to Buddha’s life and history. The outer walls are carved with motifs and painted in gold colors. The gold coated Buddhist statues mirror the traditional Tibetan culture and heritage. It is an area full of culture. It is also renowned as a centre for the pure upholding of the teaching of the Buddha’ he adds.

As a major tourist attraction of Coorg, Karnataka the monastery has a tranquilizing atmosphere with its architecture engineered for meditation.  Like any other tourist spot, There are also several areas for shopping around the Golden temple. There was an exclusive selection of Tibetan style gift articles like the Vajradhaka, Wind chimes, Tara masks and other Buddist ritual items.

                                                                            Photo courtesy @ Premnath Thirumalaisamy 

Best themes for Android

Are you android user who loves to play around with different themes and colours, then this post is for you. Recently, I have been wanting to change over to a new theme everyday. Rain in Chennai for the past few days has favored me a lot in attempting to try most of the themes,launchers and wallpapers (yes! this is what I do when you give me so many random holidays.. Thanks to the Met dept :P)

Out of the launchers I have tried, Go launcher seems to steal the show. I did try the Nova and Apex launcher which has got great reviews from experts. If you ask me why GO launcher, I can justify it with two specs, It's high customization facilities and also is quite a safe one (lot less ads than any other launcher).

Okay... Go launcher fine, but themes? The best free themes of Go launcher are

This is a refreshing theme that is free to use. It has a fresh, earthly (if that's a word), nature loving feel to it. The UI and the transitions are so cool. Saving the best for the last, the icons are great

This is a theme that is on my device for a while now. I picked up on this theme very recently, but the one that would never go off style. This is the one if you are a minimalist. 

A creative and colorful theme according to me. The unique feature of these themes are the Effects added to them. Rainbows and colorful balloons - this is the one for you! ♥

These are the top three themes that I came across. The sad part is they drain battery quite easily. (But who cares! these are so creative and imaginative). Will talk abt best wallpapers and lock screens in my next post, until then good BYE! 

That's a lot, Cya!

Children too young to go to school?

A recent report by The Guardian talks about the demand made by educational specialists to call for an extension in the formal schooling age.When we look out for a similar situation like this in India, having seen the reality, where my cousins were force-fed with too much information at like 3 or 4 yrs with charts and books everywhere it would be a best option to start schooling between 6-7 years. And can't beat the education system where nothing is practical and from a very young age children are forced to get a first grade. (Where we tend to take into consideration the child's ability, have to blame the society though!)

The letter said,

The continued focus on an early start to formal learning is likely to cause profound damage to the self-image and learning dispositions of a generation of children’.