From Waste to Wonder - Miniature modelling!♥

8:23 AM

"Miniature modelling has always been one of my passion, I didn't even think of it as a form of art when I started, it was a secret hobby" says Sukeertha Tamilarasan, a media student. It is a genre of art that focusses on modelling objects that's much smaller than their usual sizes. From restaurant to Taj Mahal not leaving out their minuscule nuances, its a pleasure for me to watch those mini models. 

When I asked her about why exactly she wanted to create such tiny models, what was her inspiration, she says "I love to gift something that's hand-made, re-created and something that's close to my heart. My inspiration is just what strikes my mind about the person to whom I make them. Other than that it has always been a spark that just pops up at random times". 

What she uses to make these amazing models is the one that amuses me. "Match sticks, paper, water colours, ice cream sticks are some materials that I use for modelling. It usually takes about an hour or two to finish a complete model" says Sukeertha.

It's incredible to think about all of the details that went into the creation process from collecting the right materials that would highlight their art and that looks as close as possible to what they have visualises in their mind and the hard effort put into carving.When asked about the opportunities to showcase this talent she says "There is not much attention given currently to this form of art, but I am sure that in years to come there will be a welcoming response to this, It's a form of art that has been forgotten".  

Some famous miniature models by world renowned artists across the world!

Until I researched I never thought a society for these miniaturists existed knows as the World Federation for Miniaturists. It has been formed with the purpose of encouraging communication between miniature art societies of the world and introducing the public to this exquisite art form.

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