❀ ✿ ♥ Spring is finally here! Florals, daffodils, breezy winds! ❀ ✿ ♥

So finally, a windy warm temperature welcomed and woke me up this morning. I have been really missing going to beaches in chennai. Will surely go back and enjoy the sunny 30 degrees! Two months more for that. Apart from that the spring story is really fantastic in Brum. From now on, till the spring ens there is going to be spring series on my blog. Moving off from rambles and musings of me, I will start off to discuss more about the spring trends.

This is a picture I took in London! Talking here about Birmingham and a picture from London! Thought it was pretty cool and a spring picture! #SorryNotSorry

Want to see more of my London trip click here! Today I had my brunch outside, and when I came out of my house, I felt really blessed to have an amazing warm climate outside. Not to mention, before even I walked out of the hotel, it started drizzling. Yet again the gloomy, cloudy, rain and winds.#TypicalBritainClimate But seeing a double digit on the BBC weather page is really exciting though! It's quite funny that BBC one has changed its layout to all yellow awaiting spring. Take a look at that!

To experience this spring, me and my friend sat on our front yard for some time breathing in the fresh air and gazing through blissful sky! The colourful trend that spring has brought us to is also pretty exciting.

Don't forget to watch the rainbow nails tutorial by Cutepolish which is also a creative nail to carry on this spring. Pastels are also up for this spring!

Here there is a call for spring and sun. Soon waiting to have a proper spring experience here in Brum, for which most others in Birmingham are waiting for too!

Do watch this space for spring notes and trends!

❀ ✿ ♥❀ ✿ ♥ Spring perfect nails- Coming soooooon!❀ ✿ ♥❀ ✿ ♥

Dreams !?!! ZzZZZzzzz...

Dreams and Ghosts have always been an interesting topic to discuss about! Recently when I was scrolling down my facebook page I saw some interesting facts about dreaming on Creativity matters page. Not forget to mention that it has been one of my favourite pages to look up to. They always come up with some interesting posts like Dreams!

So not going to rave about Creativity matters page.So here I am back into the topic that I chose today. I really like dreams. I have had so many dreams but there is always a dream that stands distinct and sticks to your head. When you or your friends talk about the topic, that dream is the one that pops up in your mind.

One dream that I wake up to very often is this. It just starts like every other dream being in house, leisurely chatting and eating, then all of a sudden I am all alone in a dark (maybe it is something of a grayscale picture with a street light on one corner..if I could still remember it right). So, there I am standing in between two parallel walls and can't even see the other end, its more of a infinity lane. I run to find some people around and atlast end up meeting one person, maybe a women (Which is not quite clear though!) I stand and ask for help. So now this place is weird looking, it is also a black and white one with a wall in front of me, so instead of turning back, couldn't further move. So come back talking to the weird person whom I have not met in my life till now!

Having a strange feel all of a sudden, I see some of my family members around there and this dream just ends on a happy note even though it is very strange and tragic all through this process!

It's quite funny that I could even now while writing this have a complete picture of what I see always in that dream. On that note, will return back tomorrow with more exciting ideas like this!

What I like about Tiffany?!

Tiffany Alvord! If you have read my last post then its very obvious that I am in love with Tiffany's music. If you are a Tiffanatic!♥ Hola!! But others she is really good singer and one of the shining stars of Youtube. Eventhough I come from a place where we dont listen to most of the English Songs my favorite genre of music has always been melodies, and in a nutshell anything fun and creative! The things that I like about Tiffany's music is that not intimidated by the outside world she just brings out the  enchanting music. Apart from her original music videos she also does cover for some songs. You should really check her out! She is pretty cool though!


All Time Favorites!

#1 Favorite photograph To start off, this has a lot of interpretations hidden inside it. Maybe, if it sounds too philosophical, its just a pretty capture though. I have always liked this picture since it communicates so much, atleast to me. For me it denotes fresh thoughts, dreams, and purity! Have your go now! Think to yourself any three words that this picture denotes to you :) 

#2 This has always been one of my favorite Quotes. 

#3 My favorite list. Seriously this helps when you are bored! 

#4 Favorite photo that I took! I am a O.K. photographer though! ;)

#5 Favorite Junkiee! Now its getting weird!

#6 Favorite song! This song is by Tiffany Alvord, a famous singer who gained popularity through youtube! 

#7 Favourite app! This is the one app that i really love! I like reading books on this! Short and sweet♥

#8 Favourite Game

#9 Favourite Board game! Business \@-@/ Missing it! If this is your childhood favo too then ur
 childhood was AWESOME!

#10 Favorite passtime! A cheesy one it is though ! never mind! ♥BLOggINg♥ It's just a little too personal...:)


Animated Cartoon Nails! ╣♥

Wow! A easy and fun look for this spring. Cutepolish is one channel that I really adore this spring. Cute, fun, elegant designs! Just check her channel out and you will already be addicted!